Listing Features Listing Features


Promote your Black Organization online.

Listing Features

Black Businesses & Organizations -

Listing features make it easy for people to quickly learn about your business/organization and contact you. has two types of listings: Basic Listings and Display Listings.

Basic Listing Features

  • Name
  • Description
  • Contact Information

Display Listing Features

Display Listings add these additional features…

  • Logo
  • Social Media Links
  • Hours of Operation


Categories make it easy for people to find just what they are looking for – and there you are. organizes listings under these main categories:

Business Categories:

  • Restaurants
  • Shopping
  • Professional Services
  • More

Organization Categories:

  • Churches
  • HBCUs
  • Trade / Professional
  • More
Pre-Launch Special Offer

Special Offer: The 2024 Regular Price for a Display Ad Listing is $19.99/Year plus any additional fees for optional services.

For a limited time during our pre-launch, a Display Ad listing is free for the first 12 months for the first 100 black-owned businesses and organizations who create a listing, in exchange for periodic feedback on the site experience.

Click the Create-A-Listing button to get started today!

  • Create a listing in 5 minutes.
  • Choose a Basic or Display listing
  • Listings feature your contact information
  • Search by Name, Address, and Categories
  • Update/Edit your listing anytime
  • Support #BlackSearch

Get your Black Organization listing and #SupportBlack.