
List your Black Business/Organization on BLKBusiness.net

List your
Black Business
/Organization on BLKBusiness.net

Submit the Create A Listing form below. Your listing instantly appears on the Directory. You can edit your listing anytime.

Create Listing Form

1. Choose A Listing Plan + Type

Choose a Listing Plan and a Listing Type.

Beta Launch Special

Display Listing features include: Category, Business/Organization Name, Description, Website, Phone, Address, Logo, Social Media Links, and Hours of Operation.

* First year free. Renews at the Beta-Launch Special price ($19.99 per year). We may request occasional feedback from you on your experience.

2. Account Information

Enter your Account Information

cancel1 check1 Eight characters minimum cancel1 check1 One lowercase letter cancel1 check1 One uppercase letter cancel1 check1 One number cancel1 check1 One special character

3. Listing Category

Select one Category for your Business/Organization. (Example: "Restaurants | Italian")

Choose An Organization Category
Choose A Business Category
Example: Enter "Divorce Attorneys" as your Sub-Category If you're a divorce lawyer.

4. Listing Contact Information

Create your Listing.

Upload A Logo

Maximum file size: 1MB

5. Listing Address

Enter your Business/Organization address.

6. Social Media Links

Promote your Social Media pages.

Select Your Social Media Pages

7. Hours of Operation

Enter to display your Business/Organization Hours. (This is optional.)

Monday Open
Monday Closed
Tuesday Open
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Open
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Open
Thursday Closed
Friday Open
Friday Closed
Saturday Open
Saturday Closed
Sunday Open
Sunday Closed


Enter credit/debit card payment information to create your account. Your payment card WILL NOT be charged based upon the Free Plan selected above.
Credit/Debit Card Number
Tax Exempt?
Statement Of Intent

In choosing to create a listing we ask that you embrace the following:

  1. Provide Excellent Customer Service!
  2. Provide Timely & Courteous Responses To Issues
  3. Support Black-Owned Businesses & Organizations
  4. Promote A Positive Work/Community Environment

Thank you!