Onyx Coalition acknowledges and appreciates all of its contributors past, present, and future without whom it would not exist.

We ask your continued support as we welcome the 2023 Advisory Board, who come from various cities, industries, professions, and educational backgrounds, spanning the five living generations: Silent – 1945 and before; Baby Boomers – 1946 to 1964; Gen X – 1965 to 1976; Millennials or Gen Y – 1977 to 1995; and Gen Z – 1996 to present.

Onyx 2023 Advisory Board Members 

  • Ms. Kimra Brumby
  • Mr. Chris Burke
  • Dr. Darryl Chapman, Sr.
  • Mr. Raymond Cobb III
  • Ms. Jacqueline Crew
  • Ms. Alexis Duncan
  • Mr. George Fox
  • Rev. Eric Glover
  • Mr. Timothy Harps
  • Mr. Jebari Herbert
  • Mr. Luke Jackson
  • Mr. Lybron Rudy John
  • Mrs. Renae Keitt
  • Mr. Quincey Lewis
  • Mrs. Beverly Mosby
  • Mrs. Gwen Ervin Nmezi
  • Mrs. Cherry Ann Santos
  • Pastor Melvin Travis
  • Atty. Julie M.T. Walker
  • Ms. Gwen Williams
  • Mr. Pelham C. Williams**
  • Mr. Pel Williams, III**
  • Mr. Tyrone C. Williams**
  • Ms. Anya Williams-Phelps
  • Ms. Christeen Raines Yerby
* * BLkBusiness.net Co-Founders